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Facebook Social Ads - Reach New Customers
Advertise on Facebook and Instagram and reach new customers at every stage of their journey.
From e-commerce to B2B, your existing, and potential new customers are using social media.
With a wealth of targeting options available, we align then to your customer profile and reach new users.
Get your message across with relevant and appealing messaging to stop users during their scroll, raising brand awareness and engagement.

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Our Approach - Facebook Advertising
We focus on finding out exactly who your target customer is, and then using the wide range of technology and options available, to reach those customers across social.
There is a huge wealth of information available to help your business grow. Customers are number one, and if you have some data, we work with you to profile your customers to create a target audience.
From any data points, starting with the most basic age and gender demographics of your customers, to highest value locations, interests, buying patterns and repeat customers. All of these data points can be brought together into a target profile.
These profiles are then built and utilised in Facebook and Instagram, to reach the most relevant users for your business. We work in a collaborative approach to determine the best users to reach for every client.
Data collection is is the core backbone to successfully growing your business. Facebook can find new users and potential customers who display similar characteristics to your existing customers.
Feel free to reach out to our team for an informal chat: